Dial 211 information and referral for resources, including food and housing assistance, parenting and early childhood resources, prenatal care.
Oregon Department of Human Services Oregon City office 971 673-7300, 315 Beavercreek Road, Oregon City (help with food benefits [SNAP], cash for families [TANF], childcare assistance, refugee services)
Children’s Center 503 655-7725, 1713 Penn Lane, Oregon City, next to Willamette Falls Hospital (child-abuse intervention center)
Clackamas County Health, Housing and Human Services 503 650-5697, 2051 Kaen Road, Oregon City (assistance for physical and oral health, mental health and addiction, child and family disabilities, public health, low-income, special-needs housing)
Clackamas County Mental Health 24-Hour Crisis Line 503 655-8585
Clackamas Women’s Services 503 655-8600, Sandy office but can meet in Estacada area (services for survivors of sexual and domestic violence) 24-hour crisis line 888 654-2288
A Safe Place Family Justice Center 503-655-8600, 256 Warner Milne Road, Oregon City
District Attorney Victims Assistance 503 655-8616