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Estacada News

Growth and capacity continue to be a challenge we are working on. 

It’s good to be back with another Super 60 update. A lot is going on in our district right now, and one thing that I’d like to highlight is our Growth and Capacity committee. This group is made up of parent volunteers, and is led by our director of teaching and learning, Jennifer Behrman. 

This group is taking a look at a variety of different options to help address the urgent capacity issues we are having at our elementary schools and at EMS. The recommendations from this group will be passed along to our school board of directors, and our district leadership will work to implement the selected option. 

This work is important, as we see critical overcrowding issues at River Mill Elementary and Estacada Middle School, with more growth anticipated over the upcoming years. 

I’m also excited to introduce a new communication platform for our families and community. Over the upcoming weeks, we will be launching our Office Hours podcast. This podcast is a great opportunity for families and the community to hear straight from your superintendent about the biggest district news, national education news, and what it means for Estacada’s children. 

In our first podcast episode, we’ll be covering the national discussion around immigration, and what it looks like for us as we strive to serve each student and family in our school system. 

Be sure to tune in when it launches, and as always, thanks for taking 60 seconds to learn more about what’s going on in Estacada Schools. 


Director of Technology, Kristy Cheshier, hosts this week's Super 60 Seconds. Keeping kids safe online is very important to our district. Using secure browsing applications combined with age-level content restrictions can help provide protection. The district uses specialized solutions that limit students’ access to inappropriate content and limit access to the outside world. We use these tools on every device that we provide for students, including our Chromebooks and iPads.

Hello, I’m Kristy Cheshier, I serve as the Director of Technology. Welcome to a special edition of Super 60 Seconds. 

Keeping kids safe online is very important to our district. Using secure browsing applications combined with age-level content restrictions can help provide protection. The district uses specialized solutions that limit students’ access to inappropriate content and limit access to the outside world. We use these tools on every device that we provide for students, including our Chromebooks and iPads. 

By using these tools, the district reduces the chances of children accessing harmful websites and online threats, while giving parents peace of mind as their kids explore the internet.

Families, you can help us keep kids safe online by staying informed about your child’s online activities. Encourage your children to be mindful of who they interact with online, avoid sharing personal details, and be cautious of suspicious messages or links. 

It’s also helpful to guide them in recognizing potential online risks and making smart decisions while browsing. Practical steps like setting screen time limits, maintaining open communication with your child, and offering guidance on safe internet use can support their online safety. 

These actions, along with regular parent involvement and monitoring of all of your child’s digital devices including computers and cell phones can help create a safer online experience for your child and other children that they interact with.

If you need any help or have questions, please reach out to our tech team at Estacada Schools by emailing We're here to assist you with anything you need!


Lindsey Fullenwider, the principal of River Mill Elementary, hosts this week's Super 60 Seconds. The first half of the school year has been fantastic, and we can’t wait to highlight some of the great initiatives and accomplishments happening at River Mill! #rivermillelementary #estacadaschools #super60seconds


Hello, I’m Lindsey Fullenwider, the principal of River Mill Elementary. I’m excited to take a moment to share some wonderful things our incredible students and staff have been working on this year. The first half of the school year has been fantastic, and I can’t wait to highlight some of the great initiatives and accomplishments happening at River Mill!

First, we are placing a big emphasis on supporting our students’ writing skills through The Writing Revolution.  This approach focuses on helping students develop strong, clear sentences and build them into well-structured paragraphs.  By integrating writing into reading and other content areas, our teachers are creating a true Literacy Block that will help students become confident, capable writers—a skill that will benefit them for years to come. Our teachers have been collaborating and working together to support every learner!

Another highlight this year is our focus on celebrating our students at our weekly Thursday morning assemblies. Each week, we recognize students from every classroom who are doing an amazing job following our school rules of Being Safe, Kind, Responsible, and Respectful. It’s been rewarding to see just how many of our students are consistently doing the right thing. These moments allow us to not only celebrate their efforts but also model these positive behaviors for the entire school community. So far, we’ve recognized thirty-eight students, and we’re incredibly proud of how kind and responsible our students are here at River Mill! Our hope is that by continuing to spotlight and celebrate these positive actions, students will recognize just how respectful and kind their peers are when they retake the student survey in the spring.

Our teachers are also doing incredible work during their Professional Learning Community (PLC) time on Fridays.  They are diving deep into our Continuous Improvement practices, using student data and assessment results to pinpoint where students are getting stuck on essential learning standards and identifying high-yield instructional strategies to move them forward.  This focused collaboration ensures that we’re providing the best possible instruction and support to help all of our students succeed.

As you can see, there’s a lot to celebrate at River Mill Elementary!  From developing strong writers to fostering a safe and respectful school culture to ensuring every student has the support they need to thrive, our team is committed to making this a great year for all of our students.

Thank you for your continued support!


Leah Riedel, Estacada High School Principal, hosts this week's Super 60 Seconds.


Hello Estacada School District, I'm Leah Riedel and I’m honored to serve as principal at Estacada High School. As we approach the end of our first academic semester, we remain highly focused on supporting students to achieve academic goals and to develop a school culture that provides a welcoming, supportive environment for all of our students. 

I’m proud to share that our Student Experience Survey showed improvement from last school year to this year…with our students telling us that they believe learning is important at their school. 

At Estacada High School, we emphasize the characteristics of Ranger PRIDE: Perseverance, Responsibility, Integrity, Dependability, and Empathy. This fall all students had opportunities to contribute their ideas and define what these characteristics mean for us at EHS. These ideas came directly out of student voice and drive how we treat each other and engage in learning, thereby impacting both school culture and academic achievement.

Our surveys told us that some areas for improvement include: how students treat each other, creating a school environment where students look forward to attending each day, and creating a school culture where students feel a sense of belonging. To capture the voices of our students about specific actions we can take, we invited the full student body to participate in a listening and feedback session during lunch. The EHS Student Council took that student input and started planning activities and communications to promote kindness, belonging, and a positive school environment where all students have opportunities to get involved. 

As we work to create a welcoming school environment and support students to become leaders in their own lives and at school, we look for your partnership in this work. As I mentioned, the first semester ends on Thursday, January 30th. A few ways you can help at home are by:

  1. Talking to your students about school and asking questions about their learning. 
  2. Encourage students to get adequate sleep each night. 
  3. Regular school attendance will help students finish strong this semester. Please encourage them to attend school each day and reach out if you would like support in this area. 
  4. Encourage your student to check in with their teachers and school counselors if they have questions about their learning progress or what they still need to do to demonstrate proficiency. We are here to support them all the way!

We are striving to champion each student to continue taking every possible opportunity to demonstrate proficiency and we ask for your continued support in this work. 

We believe that through continuous improvement, we can identify new ideas to create a welcoming environment where students feel supported to learn at high levels, experience a positive school culture, and where they can find a sense of belonging. We look forward to a strong finish to the first semester and a great start to the second semester! Go Rangers! 

Sarah Shields, principal of Estacada Middle School, hosts this week's Super 60 Seconds.

Hello, I'm Sarah Shields, principal of Estacada Middle School, and I am excited to share some important developments taking place at EMS. While we focus on academic achievements, we also prioritize a school culture that is a supportive environment for our students.

Through student surveys conducted last year and this year, our learners have provided valuable input. Their feedback highlighted areas for improvement, particularly around bullying, the importance of kindness, and the need for an environment where every student feels safe and valued.

In response to this, we have introduced three new leadership classes and a dedicated service learning class. These classes empower students to use the data gathered from the surveys and take action to improve our school culture. They are busy planning informative assemblies, spreading positive messages of encouragement throughout the school, and working with our staff to address the needs of our student body.

One initiative that we are excited about is our anti-bullying campaign, which will launch on January 13th with the help of Vice Principal Dean. This campaign will raise awareness about various forms of unkind behavior and empower students to take a stand against bullying. 

Throughout the campaign, students will gain tools and resources to help them work through conflict and build healthier relationships. They will learn how to recognize unkind actions, advocate for themselves and others, and seek help when needed. Our goal is to foster a culture of support, understanding, and kindness at EMS.

We believe that by creating a supportive environment, we can ensure that every student feels a sense of belonging and can thrive at school. We look forward to a great year ahead, filled with growth, teamwork, and positive change!


Christina Anderson, Principal at CRE, hosts this week's Super 60 Seconds. 

Hello, Estacada School District! I’m Christina Anderson, principal at Clackamas River, and I’m excited to share the amazing achievements happening at CRE.

Last year, we saw some of our highest indicators of academic success, and with our continuous improvement model, the growth continues. While we’ve made great strides, there’s still work to do.

Attendance is a key indicator of success.  In Estacada, students can only miss 8 days in an entire school year to a regular attender.  Currently, 106 students who are not on track to meet this mark, almost a quarter of our students!  We also average 37 tardies each day, which is 1 in every 11 students.  While our teachers make the most of every instructional minute, we need our students here to be a part of the learning.

Some common trends of regular attenders are- having a plan for the morning the night before, positive conversations about attending school, good communication between the school and home, and a consistent bedtime, which includes the weekends.  If you are struggling with attendance, please contact the office and we can put you in touch with our attendance team.  

During our survey season, we heard questions about our procedures for student discipline.  When a student comes to us our goal is to help them find a better path towards resolution for the next time. But when an event is physical, we often ask for the student to be picked up from school. Upon return, we ask that parents participate in a safety plan meeting where we put plans in place to prevent the incident from happening again. This is in line with our district policies.  If your child has not gone through this process, and you didn’t know that these steps were happening, it is because we are committed to protecting student privacy.  

We have also put together a student voice committee to gather more student input on how to build confidence that their concerns are addressed once reported. We appreciate everyone who took the time to give us their voice and help guide our planning for this year.    

Before we log off, I would also like to remind you that our Kindergarten- 2nd grade family breakfast is right around the corner.  Tickets can be reserved on the Hometown Ticket app.  This tradition is a great way to bring our school community together and enjoy time with our families.  

Thanks for watching the first episode of our Super 60 principal series. Have a great week


The Executive School Board of Directors approved the calendar for the next three years at the December Board of Directors Meeting. 

From Super 60 Seconds:
It’s our final week of school before winter break, and we’re continuing to maximize the learning in each classroom up until the last moment. Following winter break, our super 60 seconds video series will be taken over for a few weeks by our school principals. This is a great time to tune in to get to know each of our great building leaders, and to get more familiar with the work that is happening in each of our schools. We’ll still continue to give you quick updates on news as it happens. One big piece of news before the break is the approval of our three year calendar. Last week, our school board voted to approve our school calendar for the next three years. You can check it out attached in this week’s newsletter. We are proud of our proactive planning that allows families to know what’s coming so many years in advance. Before I sign off, I also want to remind families that we still have openings to participate in our committee work to discuss plans to address our schools’ overcapacity and crowding. This committee’s first meeting will happen on January 30th. You can sign up by emailing our Director of Teaching and Learning Jennifer Behrman. I hope our families and community have a wonderful winter break. We look forward to welcoming kids back to school on January 6th. Have a great break! 


Another big capacity concern is at our elementaries and middle school. River Mill is over capacity, Clackamas River is slightly under capacity, and Estacada Middle School is near capacity. Last week, our families voted to recommend that we move forward with committee work to try to find a solution to address this issue. That work will begin at the end of January. You can learn more about this work on our website. 


It is a busy time in the Estacada School District as we make the most of the final weeks with students before winter break. We are also busy planning for the future. Some of the big decisions that our families should be aware of include the upcoming rollout of a new three-year calendar and planning around growth and capacity. 

This week, our school board will make the decision to approve our calendar for the upcoming three school years. The three year calendar proposal was created through the great work of a committee of staff and parents. It maintains consistency from the past three-year calendar. 

Our current calendar has been in place during a time of historic gains in student success and graduation rates. We are happy to be able to present another calendar that will contribute to continuing these levels of growth and success. The calendar will be available to families following the board vote this week. 

Another big decision happening in our district right now is how we can handle continued growth and capacity issues in our schools. We are currently experiencing several different capacity pressures. 

One area where we do not have capacity is in our weight room and wrestling facilities. Our overcrowding in this area raises concerns that we may not be able to safely accommodate all student-athlete wrestlers, and we run the risk of violating legally mandated title nine requirements. 

We also do not have enough space to accommodate middle and high school PE classes, and cannot accommodate a high number of student requests to expand our weight lifting class offerings. 

We are looking into potential solutions to this problem, and will keep you updated as these discussions unfold. 

Another big capacity concern is at our elementaries and middle school. River Mill is over capacity, Clackamas River is slightly under capacity, and Estacada Middle School is near capacity. Last week, our families voted to recommend that we move forward with committee work to try to find a solution to address this issue. That work will begin at the end of January. You can learn more about this work on our website. 

Thanks for staying informed as we work to navigate change in a way that best serves the children of Estacada. Your partnership is always appreciated.



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November 25th & 26th: Parent/Teacher Conferences

As we approach parent-teacher conference season, I want to remind you of this invaluable opportunity to connect with your child’s teachers. Conferences will be held on Monday the 25th and Tuesday the 26th, and signups are still open. Conferences are a great time to discuss your child’s progress, celebrate achievements, and set goals for continued growth.A few tips to make the most of your conference:Come prepared with questions: Think about areas you’re curious about, from academic strengths to specific areas for improvement.Focus on goals: Ask the teacher what goals might be set for the coming months and how you can support these at home.Celebrate wins: Follow up with your child on what was discussed, and recognize and celebrate their areas of strength. These conferences are a meaningful way to build a partnership between school and home. Together, we can make a lasting impact on your child’s education. We look forward to seeing you there and working together to ensure your child’s success.


Super 60 Seconds with your Superintendent: Thank you again for taking the time to share your experience in our schools, and for giving us the opportunity to continue to get better.

Thank you to all of the families who gave us feedback in our recent Parent Experience Survey. The data and input that you give us during this survey is read and reviewed by each of our school principals and leaders. It allows your child’s school to build targeted plans to address your areas of concern, and ensures that we can continue to improve as we work to meet the needs of our kids, families, and community.


Superintendent Dr. Ryan Carpenter has been named a 2024 Studer Education Difference Maker Award recipient.

Estacada School District Superintendent Dr. Ryan Carpenter Honored with the 2024 Difference Maker Award

photo of superintendent accepting an award on-stage

The Estacada School District proudly announces that Superintendent Dr. Ryan Carpenter has been named a 2024 Studer Education Difference Maker Award recipient. The Difference Maker Award highlights education leaders who have a profound impact on their district and community through innovation, dedication, and a commitment to excellence. Dr. Carpenter’s contributions have elevated the Estacada School District to a place where students can thrive and excel.

Under Dr. Carpenter’s guidance, the Estacada School District has achieved historic levels of academic excellence, boosting graduation rates well above the state average. The district was recognized as one of Oregon’s Top Workplaces in 2020—a distinction it has upheld each year since, making it the only district in Oregon to consistently receive this honor. Dr. Carpenter’s focus on fostering a supportive, high-achieving work environment has been foundational to this accomplishment. His leadership has also been key in implementing improvement science methodologies that have allowed students to take ownership of their learning by utilizing and tracking academic data. 

Dr. Carpenter’s influence and thought leadership extends beyond the district. In 2022, he was recognized as one of the National School Public Relations Association’s “Superintendents to Watch” and has shared his insights in multiple publications, including chapters in four books. The Estacada School District has also hosted two educational conferences attended by hundreds of educators around the nation. 

At the award ceremony, Dr. Carpenter expressed gratitude for the recognition, reaffirming his commitment to creating a school environment that continually strives to “get better at getting better.” He went on to note that “This award is a collective achievement, representing the nationally recognized and groundbreaking work that our students and staff are doing every day.”


A new three year calendar is on the way. 

Today, I’d like to discuss the great work done by our calendar committee. This group of volunteers included a wide variety of parent, student, and staff voices. This year is the last year of our current three-year calendar. This calendar has been a great success in many ways, and has been in place during historic gains in academics, test scores, and graduation rates. As we look ahead to creating a new calendar for the upcoming three years, it was important to us to use data and community feedback to create the best option for our students and families. A calendar draft will be presented at our November school board meeting on November 13th, and we will also distribute the calendar to our community. We plan to host a Facebook Live event to discuss our plan and collect your questions and feedback. Then, during our December school board meeting, the board will vote to approve our final calendar for the next three school years. We’d like to thank our calendar committee members for their participation and feedback in making this important decision. We look forward to continuing to engage with our community as we move forward with implementing a plan for continued success over the next three years. Thanks for watching, and have a great week.

Watch the Video


Our School Resource Officer, Deputy Keith Kyler hosted this week's Super 60 to go over some of the ways we work together to keep our kids and our schools safe. 

Hi, I’m Deputy Keith Kyler. Welcome to another episode of Super 60 Seconds. Today I’d like to reintroduce myself, as well as talk to our community a bit about the protocols we have in place to keep your kids safe. This is my second year serving in the Estacada School District. As the School Resource Officer, I work to keep our schools safe and secure, resolve criminal investigations, and build good relationships with our students and community. The Estacada School District has a longstanding close relationship with local law enforcement, and takes a proactive approach to school safety. Our schools regularly conduct age appropriate safety drills, and school staff are trained on school safety practices. Our families and community play a big role in helping to keep kids safe. Please report any safety concerns directly to our schools. We take these reports very seriously.You can also help by talking to your kids about school safety, and appropriate online and in school behavior. Threats, bullying, and internet harassment can lead to serious consequences. Together, we can work to create a safe and welcoming school environment for all kids.

Another important thing for our families to know is how we communicate in the event of an emergency. We use something called the standard response protocol. A few phrases that we use are “hold”, “secure”, and “lockdown”. A hold means that students should stay in their classroom and not enter the halls, this could be due to a spill in the hallway or a variety of scenarios. Secure means that there is a potential threat outside. Exterior doors are locked, and learning continues as usual inside the building. A lockdown is used to respond to a more serious safety concern, and all classrooms are locked, quiet, and students are out of sight. 

Thank you for learning more about the work we are doing to ensure safety and security in the Estacada School District. Have a great week.



We ask a favor of our community that can strengthen our partnership, as well as help keep students safe.

Watch the Super 60 Seconds Episode


Today I’d like to ask a favor of our community that can strengthen our partnership, as well as help keep students safe. In today’s world with social media and the quick spread of news, misinformation is becoming a common problem. Misinformation is untrue, harmful, and can sometimes even put the safety of our children at risk. 

We can crack down on this together by taking a few steps. 

First, if you see or hear about something that concerns you for the safety of our children, please report it directly to our schools or proper authorities. By reporting, and not just reposting on social media, you can ensure that we respond as quickly as possible to potential concerns. You can even report concerns anonymously at 

Second, if something seems too crazy to be true… it might not be true. If you hear something concerning about our schools, or have a question, please contact us directly. By calling, emailing, or even direct messaging us on social media, you can get accurate information directly from the source.

Additionally, help direct others our way too. Encouraging your friends and neighbors to contact us helps give everyone the opportunity to learn more about their local schools.  

I cannot tell you how harmful it is for adults to post their concerns on social media without communicating concerns first to the appropriate people or authorities. To post concerns about the school, the people inside the school, or children who attend the school, and not communicate directly to authorities or correct information that is inaccurate or untrue does not help support a safe school environment and creates confusion and rumors. If you see a suspicious person, please call the police, don’t just post it. If you have evidence of bullying or violations of student conduct, please call your principal, don’t just post it. 

If you have concerns in your classrooms regarding behavior please contact your teacher, don’t just post it. Let’s model adult communication for our children. After you have communicated concerns with the proper authorities, post away on social media. 

I need your help, if you see posts that communicate concerns about the school without evidence that they communicated to the appropriate professionals, please encourage them to do so. 

Let's hold ourselves and our community accountable for spreading accurate information on social media and in the community. It’s also important to correct ourselves when we get it wrong. Spreading and standing behind inaccurate information is dangerous and harmful to our school community. Accuracy matters, and we all play a role in that. I want our community to feel free to criticize and say whatever they would like to say about our schools - but please give us the opportunity to address your concerns directly as well. 

Thank you for working alongside me to help support an informed and safe community. We have to take a strong leadership stance on how we appropriately communicate concerns. This is the only way to ensure that our students get the quick and accurate response to concerning situations that they truly deserve. Have a great week. Thank you.

The Parent/Caregiver Experience Survey for Fall 2024 is now open. 

We are continuously working to improve as an entire school district, and one powerful tool is our parent experience survey. The survey opens today, and I’d like to ask you to please take the survey once for each school that you have children at. Your thoughtful and honest feedback is so valuable to help us see what is working, and what areas we need to change in the service that we provide to students and families.  

Take the Survey Here:


We will also be starting a school boundary committee soon. This committee will help decide how we can better balance our student population. 

I’m Maggie Kelly and today we’d like to kick things off by thanking our community and families for your engagement and participation as we begin discussions on a new three year calendar. We are looking forward to bringing together a group of parents, staff, and students to continue this conversation. As always, we aim to create a school calendar that is innovative and in the best interest of student learning. I am happy to say that our calendar committee is now full, after a great deal of interest from our last Super 60 episode. We will also be starting a school boundary committee soon. Because we did not pass a school bond last spring, our elementaries, especially River Mill, are overcrowded. This committee will help decide how we can better balance our student population. To join this committee, or learn more about how our calendar committee is moving forward, go to Have a great week!

Now, we're looking ahead. We're forming committees to shape our next three-year calendar. If you'd like to participate, please email Superintendent Carpenter. 


Our current three-year calendar has been a game-changer. We've seen record-breaking achievements in graduation rates, freshman on-track rates, attendance, and test scores. We've been recognized as a top workplace for three consecutive years – the only public school district to achieve this.

Two key innovations have driven our success:

  1. Our 4-day school week with optional REID days on Fridays. This provides targeted support for students who need it most while offering flexibility for families.

  2. Our "May Break" – an additional week off in May to combat employee burnout and ensure high-quality instruction right through to the end of the year.

These changes, coupled with our talented staff and evidence-based leadership, have positioned Estacada as a national leader in education.

Now, we're looking ahead. We're forming committees to shape our next three-year calendar. If you'd like to participate, please email Superintendent Carpenter. 

  • super60seconds

Estacada Community, did you know our staff lives and breathes the 6 Standards of Excellence Values?

Estacada Community, did you know our staff lives and breathes the 6 Standards of Excellence Values? Each month, they have the chance to shine a spotlight on their colleagues for their outstanding work that aligns with the Estacada School District's Mission, vision, and values. Go to for more details. 

Click Here to watch the video

  • soe

Welcome to the New School Year! Super 60 Seconds

Welcome to the new school year, and welcome to Super 60 Seconds with your Superintendent. I’m Ryan Carpenter and this short video series was created to ensure that our families and community have a quick way to stay informed on the biggest updates happening in your schools. I hope you’ll join me weekly as I discuss hot topics and breaking news that impact our district and our kids. 


Summer Parks Series Kickoff - Campanella Estates Park, July 25th 6pm. 

We can't wait to see you at our first Summer Parks Series event of the summer! Come on out to Campanella Estates Park tomorrow, July 25th at 6pm, for lots of fun.



The district will be conducting a reunification exercise of all middle school students and families on May 23rd.

The Estacada School District will be conducting a reunification exercise of all middle school students and families this Thursday, May 23rd at Estacada High School. Reunification should begin at around 2:15. Families are encouraged to arrive early, and should prepare for extended wait times. 

How will this impact the community?

Community members should prepare for unusual levels of traffic between 1:00 and 5:00 PM on May 23rd around 6th Street, lower Coupland, Shafford, and Pierce. 

How will this impact elementary and high school families/students?
Because the reunification is for EMS students and families, interruptions to other schools should be minimal. Elementary school bus routes may be delayed by around 5 to 10 minutes in the afternoon on Thursday, and parent pickups should plan for extra traffic. High school bus routes will not be delayed, but parent pickups will need to pick up their student at River Mill Elementary instead of at the High School.

What is reunification?
Family reunification is the means for safe and organized reunion of students with their families in the event of an emergency evacuation or school closure. All middle school students will walk to Estacada High School, where parents or other designated emergency contacts will go through the process of picking their child up. The school will release children to parents who have photo identification, and preapproved emergency contacts will also be permitted to pick your student up.

Why is the district conducting this drill?
The district is hosting this event to ensure that staff and families are both familiar with the procedures of reunification required after an emergency event. While the district acknowledges that it may be inconvenient for some families, the district feels that safety and preparedness have to take first priority

Families that need to opt out of this drill can do so by picking their child up from school by 12:00 on May 23rd. There will be no buses home or walking home options for EMS students in the afternoon on this day.  Families that participate will stay in their cars and be directed through a check-in line, where they will present I.D. and fill out reunification cards. They will then continue in line and their child will be brought to their vehicle. Identification will be required. Emergency contacts can be added or updated by calling our school office.

We are deeply disappointed by the unofficial election night results of the bond campaign. It is heartbreaking to see the current voting tally, which appears to reflect a reluctance from our community to invest in the future of Estacada's children. Throughout the campaign, we closely followed the data and listened to the voices of our constituents, which indicated a different outcome than what we are currently seeing. This disparity between our expectations and the preliminary results is disheartening.

As it stands, hundreds of votes are still left to be counted, and Clackamas County will release an updated count at or around 5 PM this evening. Until we receive this updated count, the Estacada School District will not make any official declaration of defeat. We are aware of the realistically slim chances that could change the tide in favor of the bond.

Regardless of the final outcome, we will continue to listen to our community, make necessary adjustments based on the feedback received, and once again approach the community with a school bond package. The reluctance shown by voters does not diminish the pressing needs of our district, nor does it deter our commitment to advocating for the children of Estacada. The need for improved facilities, increased capacity, and enhanced competitive opportunities for our students will persist, and so will our efforts to address them.

We are incredibly proud of the campaign we ran and the comprehensive information we shared with our community. There were several significant achievements in our outreach efforts, including raising awareness about the real and urgent challenges we face in meeting the needs of today's learners. Superintendent Dr. Ryan Carpenter stated, "My heart is shattered today for Estacada's children. I am so proud of our communication and advocacy efforts. I am confident that we will be back after we regroup, adjust our plans to the feedback we just received, and try again. We cannot stop until our community addresses the threats we face of facilities and equipment well beyond their lifecycle, growth & capacity, and competitive opportunities for the next generation of Estacada's future."

Today I’d like to give families and the community two important reminders. 

Today I’d like to give families and the community two important reminders. 

Our middle school reunification exercise is coming up on May 23rd. 

This exercise will play a critical role in enhancing the safety and security of students and staff during emergencies. 

The second thing I want to remind families about is the upcoming school bond election. 

Registered voters should have received their ballots, and can turn them in by May 21st.


Let's take a walk through Estacada High School together. 

Curious about the state of our high school? Take a virtual tour with us and see the conditions firsthand. Knowledge is power.

Our kids were able to show how they use improvement science to track and meet their educational goals.

Our kids were able to show how they use improvement science to track and meet their educational goals. Our teachers and leaders across the district all showed how they use data to hold themselves accountable and continue to improve their performance, productivity, and teaching practices.



Student-led conferences begin today, April 1st at 12:00pm until 7:30pm and then tomorrow, April 2nd, from 8:00am to 3:30pm.

Student-led conferences begin today, April 1st, at 12:00pm until 7:30pm and then tomorrow, April 2nd, from 8:00am to 3:30pm.

  • conferences

Currently, Estacada High School has a program in its building called Road To Success.


Road To Success or “RTS” has experienced great success over the years in providing an alternative, personalized learning option for kids that may struggle, or simply not prefer the traditional high school experience. Starting next school year, RTS will be located in downtown Estacada in a storefront on Broadway Street.

We will be hosting another education conference in our schools this spring.

Hi, I’m Jennifer Behrman, Estacada’s Director of Teaching and Learning. Today, I’m happy to share with families that we will be hosting another education conference in our schools this spring. Last year, we had the honor of being asked to host educators from around the nation, and we have been asked to do so again this year. This conference is a great opportunity for our children to share their learning journey with others and demonstrate leadership and presentation skills. This event is also something our students can be proud of. It reflects their hard work and the great things that are being achieved in our schools.

  • super60seconds

Facebook Live event this evening at 6:30.


Join us from the comfort of your own home to get your school bond questions answered. I encourage everyone that lives in this community to take advantage of this opportunity to learn the facts, ask questions, and make an informed voting decision.


  • all in live
  • s60

Reunification Exercise coming soon...

On May 23rd, the Estacada School District will be conducting a reunification exercise with all Estacada Middle School students, staff, and families several hours prior to the end of the school day. Mark your calendars.


  • reunification
  • s60

I'd like to ask you to do one thing...

I’d like to ask you to do one thing: and that is learn more about this bond package and ask questions if you have them. We want to ensure that every member of our community has a good understanding of this important matter. I believe that together, we can create a stronger future for our kids, and for the Estacada community. For more information, watch the video below and go to


  • bond
  • s60

This landmark decision underscores the district's commitment to enhancing educational opportunities and infrastructure for current and future generations of students.

The Estacada School Board voted unanimously during the February School Board Meeting to place a school bond measure on the upcoming May ballot. This landmark decision underscores the district's commitment to enhancing educational opportunities and infrastructure for current and future generations of students.

The proposed bond measure aims to address pressing needs within the school district, including:


Addressing Overcrowding by:

  • Building a new high school on the current EHS campus

  • Renovating part of the existing high school to create a separate junior high

  • Modifying the existing middle school into a third elementary

Improving Aging Facilities through:

  • Updating safety and security at all schools

  • Improving ADA accessibility

  • Installing fire safety systems

  • Repairing and replacing plumbing, electrical, roofing, windows

  • Removing asbestos

  • Improving air quality/temperature regulation

Advancing Career Readiness by:

  • Updating career technical education spaces, preparing kids for the modern workforce

Addressing Community Needs by:

  • Expanding and establishing indoor and outdoor facilities


By investing in these areas, the Estacada School District aims to uphold its commitment to providing a high-quality education that prepares students for future success while also addressing the evolving needs of the community.

"We believe that investing in our schools is an investment in the future of our community," said Ryan Carpenter, Estacada School District Superintendent. "This bond measure represents an opportunity to ensure that our students have access to the resources and facilities they need to thrive, and by extension allows the Estacada community to thrive." 

The decision to place the school bond measure on the May ballot follows extensive community input and engagement. The majority of voters in a recent poll indicated support for the bond, with 54% describing the bond as an “urgent priority”. 

School Board Chair Ken Riedel described the bond as a “collective effort that has had many eyes on the plan to create a final package that maximizes cost efficiency while still addressing the many urgent needs of our schools and students”.

Voters and the community at large can learn more about the bond package at

We have officially wrapped up semester one! I’d like to congratulate our students and our system as a whole for wins and accomplishments that happened during the past six months.

We have officially wrapped up semester one! I’d like to congratulate our students and our system as a whole for wins and accomplishments that happened during the past six months. In particular, I am proud that our report cards are an accurate reflection of your child’s learning, and the high standards that we hold for all of our students. Watch the video below.
  • s60

Estacada High School’s Class of 2023 achieved an outstanding 89 percent graduation rate.

Today I want to celebrate a big win for our community and schools. You may have heard that graduation rates for the Class of 2023 were recently announced. Estacada High School’s Class of 2023 achieved an outstanding 89 percent graduation rate. This is eight percent above the state average, demonstrating that Estacada’s kids are achieving at significantly higher levels than Oregon as a whole. Watch the video below...


  • grad rate
  • s60
Outdoor School Highlights

Sixth graders had a great opportunity this year to learn and work together at Outdoor School. 

Camp Magruder was one of the sites that gave sixth graders an emersive experience learning about nature and collaboration during Outdoor School this year. Thank you to all of those who made this possible. Click Here to watch the video. 

Bond Town Hall

Great Turn Out for Bond Town Hall. We appreciate all the construction questions and your partnership in this great community.

We had a great turn out at the recent Town Hall. We appreciate all the construction questions and your partnership in this great community. If you want to watch the town hall please CLICK HERE. And please go to for more information. 

  • bond
  • town hall

The Estacada School District is pleased to announce the appointment of Ryan Rosenau as the new principal of Estacada High School.

The Estacada School District is happy to announce the appointment of Ryan Rosenau as the new principal of Estacada High School. With a career in education spanning over 20 years, including successful tenure as a high school assistant principal, Rosenau brings a wealth of knowledge, insight, and new talent to the Estacada School District.

Throughout his career, Rosenau has demonstrated an unwavering dedication to improving classroom instruction and creating an environment that fosters educational excellence. His extensive experience and expertise align perfectly with Estacada’s mission to provide a premier education for all students.

The selection process for Estacada High School’s principal was extensive and comprehensive. It incorporated the valuable input of various stakeholders including staff, students, and parents. Their voices were integral in shaping the interview process, ensuring that the new principal would truly resonate with EHS's needs and values.

"I’m very happy to welcome Mr. Rosenau into the Estacada School District" stated Superintendent Ryan Carpenter. "His wealth of experience and passion for public education, as well as his dedication to instructional improvement make him an excellent fit for EHS. The thorough search process allowed us to identify a principal who not only possesses the qualifications and experience but also aligns with the initiatives and values of our school system and community."

As Rosenau begins his role next month, he is eager to collaborate closely with the school's dedicated staff, parents, and community partners to provide an exceptional educational experience for all students. Please join us in extending a warm welcome to Ryan Rosenau. With his leadership, experience, and passion for educational excellence, we are confident that Estacada High School will continue to see growth and ensure success for each child served.

  • people and culture
District Receives Prestigious Financial Award

The Estacada School District has been awarded the Certificate of Excellence in Financial Reporting by the Association of School Business Officials International. This recognition highlights the district's commitment to financial transparency and responsible stewardship of taxpayer dollars.

The Estacada School District is proud to announce that it has been awarded the prestigious Certificate of Excellence in Financial Reporting (COE) by the Association of School Business Officials International (ASBO). This esteemed recognition highlights the district's commitment to financial transparency and responsible stewardship of taxpayer dollars. ASBO International's COE program honors school districts that have met rigorous standards for financial reporting and transparency. The Estacada School District earned this honor for its financial management during the 2021-22 school year. 

"The COE's mission is to promote and recognize excellence in financial reporting," stated Siobhan McMahon, ASBO International Chief Operations Officer/Interim Executive Director. "The Annual Comprehensive Financial Report serves as a crucial communication tool, informing stakeholders about the financial state of the district, and fostering trust within the school community." This award aligns with the district’s ongoing work to promote financial transparency and communication. The district's financial report was reviewed by a panel of qualified professionals, and the district was awarded a Certificate of Excellence at the conclusion of this rigorous process. 

Participation in the COE program also holds significant financial benefits for the district. One major benefit is the district becoming eligible for a higher bond rating. Similar to an individual’s credit score, a higher bond rating means that the district will qualify for a lower interest rate. 

The recognition from ASBO International underscores the district's commitment to fiscal responsibility and serves as a testament to its wise management of taxpayer dollars.

Superintendent Ryan Carpenter noted that he was “Proud of the recognition as it represents the dedication our district has to upholding the highest standards of financial transparency and accountability. We are committed to ensuring the effective and responsible utilization of taxpayer funds to support the educational needs of our students. In combination with our history of clean audits, Estacada taxpayers should feel confident in the fiscal management of the Estacada School District."

new hire

The Estacada School District is happy to announce that Sarah Shields has been hired to serve as principal at Estacada Middle School.

The Estacada School District is happy to announce that Sarah Shields has been hired to serve as principal at Estacada Middle School. With a strong commitment to continuous improvement and an unwavering “students first” focus, Sarah Shields has the mindset and skills to lead Estacada Middle School to new levels of achievement. 

Shields brings to the Estacada School District a wealth of knowledge and expertise acquired during more than 25 years in education. Most recently, Shields served as the Assistant Superintendent of Instruction for Seaside School District, and she has previously worked in various roles as a principal, vice principal, and classroom teacher. Sarah has an outstanding track record of achievement in closing achievement gaps with student populations, leading staff engagement efforts, and putting change agents in place to improve each organization and school that she has been a part of. The Estacada School District is confident that Estacada Middle School will benefit from her expertise. 

Shields will step into the role officially in July, and notes that she “could not be happier to be a part of the Estacada team and the tremendous work that is being accomplished in the Estacada School District.” District Superintendent Ryan Carpenter met several times with Shields throughout the intensive interview process, and says that “there is no doubt that Sarah has the skills and experience necessary to thrive in this role. What excites me most about this hire though, is how “all in” for our district she is. Sarah is passionate about continuing the work being done in this district, and is committed to serving our unique community. She will be a great fit for our kids, and for Estacada as a whole.” 

Please join us in extending a warm welcome to Sarah Shields as she joins the Estacada School District as the principal of Estacada Middle School. The district looks forward to seeing the growth, innovation, and achievement that will occur during her tenure. 

  • people and culture
Please view the meal routes for 2/24 below. Meal drop off times will be in the 10:00 range for your area. Questions? Call transportation at 503-630-8606.

The Estacada School District has undergone a website transition for all school websites.

The Estacada School District has undergone a website transition for all school websites. The new sites will be available at the same web addresses, and will also be available at The new site was launched in an effort to provide staff with an easy, streamlined platform to update web information.

The district looks forward to providing the community with a resource to more easily find reliable, updated information about their local school district. The newly launched site is mobile-friendly, accessible to the visually impaired, and has improved translation services. District staff are excited to continue to showcase stories of our students and community via this platform. 

  • communications
  • website
CI in the Classroom

On October 19th, the Estacada School Board participated in a tour of classrooms throughout the Estacada School District.

On October 19th, the Estacada School Board participated in a tour of classrooms throughout the Estacada School District. Students had the opportunity to engage with these community representatives and explain how they are taking ownership of their learning. Both children and adults found value in explaining how goal-setting data tracking has helped students achieve success both inside and outside of the classroom. Staff also noted that they are seeing kids adjusting learning strategies based on what the data is telling them. 

School board members described the experience as a positive indicator of the good work that is occurring in our classrooms every day. The district looks forward to opening our classrooms to additional community stakeholders in the near future.



  • continuous improvement
  • school board

The Estacada School District has once again been awarded the Top Workplaces 2022 honor by Oregonian Top Workplaces.

The Estacada School District has once again been awarded the Top Workplaces 2022 honor by Oregonian Top Workplaces. This is the third year in a row that the district has received this prestigious honor. The Top Workplaces distinction is earned based on the results of an anonymous third-party survey that measures employee feedback. The employees of the Estacada School District have once again ranked the Estacada School District among the echelon of top workplaces within the state of Oregon. 

"This recognition is a great honor, and is evidence of the intentional efforts we have made to continuously improve in the ways that we support our staff, and integrate their voice into the work that we do," says school district Superintendent Ryan Carpenter. "Our district leaders have also done a terrific job of collecting input and using that feedback to make the changes and improvements needed to serve our employees and our students." Over the past year, the district maintained an industry-leading 92% retention rate, and continues to strive to recruit and retain talented staff to serve students and the community.

The Estacada School District is committed to maintaining a Top Workplace environment, and looks forward to continuing to recruit and retain talented educators and employees. View our current employment opportunities here:

  • awards
  • careers

During the September 19th JV Football game, a special touchdown happened in the Estacada School District. 

During the September 19th JV Football game, a special touchdown happened in the Estacada School District. Members of both the Estacada team and the opposing team - Camas- showed incredible sportsmanship as they supported EHS student Ryan Hunt in scoring his first touchdown. 

Ryan has autism, and this touchdown was a special moment for his family, the audience, and his teammates. Ryan's mother notes that "he feels like one of the guys, and it's totally changed his perspective on school." His mom, Heidi, also noticed that Ryan's attendance has improved because he never wants to miss a practice. 

The special moment during Monday's game was just one glimpse into the support that Ryan's teammates, coach, and community have provided this school year. The Estacada School District is "all in" on inclusive practices, and this commitment to serving all students is a belief that has also been embraced by Ryan's football team. 


FOX12 News Coverage

KOIN6 News Coverage

A representative from each grade level at Clackamas River Elementary School recently made a trip to visit the district Superintendent to share their school's goals. 

A representative from each grade level at Clackamas River Elementary School recently made a trip to visit the district Superintendent to share their school's goals. Students of all ages worked with their classmates to identify goals that they would hold themselves accountable to. Some of these goals included statements such as "do the right thing even when no one is watching" and "use a growth mindset."

These statements will be signed and agreed upon by all students in the district. The children of Clackamas River Elementary School are working collaboratively to improve the atmosphere and culture within their school. 

photo of student and principal reading a statement
  • continuous improvement
  • cre
  • goal setting