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Federal Programs

English Language Learner

"There is no equality of treatment merely by providing students with the same facilities, textbooks, teachers, and curriculum; for students who do not understand English are effectively foreclosed from any meaningful education."
-Lau v. Nichols (1974)



English learner programs are expected:

  • To assist students in accessing core subject courses in their path toward graduation from high school and access to post-secondary educational opportunities.
  • To provide resources and assistance to school districts in providing effective instructional programs for ELs while meeting required Federal and State regulations
  • To assist school districts in creating, implementing, and improving English language development programs that provide academically rigorous and equitable learning
  • Opportunities leading to Career and College Readiness
  • To promote culturally relevant and responsive curricula and pedagogies embracing the unique identities of those gaining proficiency in additional languages
  • To provide and ensure access to an equitable education for ELs


Click here for the Annual Report to the Legislature on English Language Learners 2020-2021, Oregon Department of Education


Title X Homeless Student Services

The McKinney-Vento Act’s Education of Homeless Children and Youth Program, ensures that homeless children and youth are provided a free, appropriate public education, despite lack of a fixed place of residence or a supervising parent or guardian. The state public school admission statute assuring the right of homeless and other children and youth in similar circumstances to enroll in schools is ORS 399.115(7). 

Every school district in Oregon has at least one designated Homeless Student Liaison to provide direct assistance to homeless families and unaccompanied youths to access and achieve in school. To reach a district liaison, call our office at 503-630-6871 X 2906


Migrant Programs

The general purpose of the Migrant Education Program (MEP) is to ensure that migrant children fully benefit from the same free public education provided to other children. To achieve this purpose, the MEP helps State Educational Agencies and local operating agencies address the unique educational needs of migrant children to better enable migrant children to succeed academically. More specifically, the purposes of the MEP are to:

  • Support high-quality and comprehensive educational programs for migrant children in order to reduce the educational disruption and other problems that result from the migrant life style;
  • Ensure that migrant children who move among the States are not penalized in any manner by disparities among the States in curriculum, graduation requirements, and State academic content and student academic achievement standards;
  • Ensure that migrant children are provided with appropriate educational services (including supportive services) that address their needs in a coordinated and efficient manner;
  • Ensure that migrant children receive full and appropriate opportunities to meet the same challenging State academic content and student academic achievement standards that all children are expected to meet;
  • Design programs to help migrant children overcome educational disruption, cultural and language barriers, social isolation, various health-related problems, and other factors that inhibit their ability to do well in school, and to prepare them to make a successful transition to postsecondary education or employment; and
  • Ensure that migrant children benefit from State and local systemic reforms.


Talented and Gifted (TAG)

Talented and Gifted (TAG) Education serves the purpose of providing instruction that challenges high-end learners and meets each student's learning needs. Resources and support materials for districts, schools, teachers, parents, and students are included. 


Title IA

Title I is a federal education program under the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. This program provides financial assistance to LEAs and schools with high numbers or high percentages of poor children to help ensure that all children meet challenging state academic standards.
