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Graduation Requirements

Diploma Requirements

In January of 2007, the State Board of Education voted to adopt new high school graduation requirements. These new requirements are designed to better prepare each student for success in college, work, and citizenship. To earn a diploma, students will need to successfully complete the credit requirements, demonstrate proficiency in the Essential Skills, and meet the personalized learning requirements. Students will also have the option to earn credit for proficiency. A phase-in schedule (2007 – 2014) has been created to allow students, families, schools and teachers to adequately prepare to meet these new requirements.

Diploma Requirements

Credit Requirements
A summary of changes to the minimum statewide credit requirements for graduation.

Essential Skills
All students must demonstrate proficiency in these process skills before they are awarded the diploma.

Personalized Learning Requirements
Resources for Education Plan and Profile, Extended Application, Career-Related Learning Experiences, and Career-Related Learning Standards.

Credit for Proficiency
Credit for Proficiency provides students the opportunity to earn graduation credits within Oregon’s standards-based system by demonstrating what they know and can do.


A review of the evolution of the diploma requirements from survey results to the State Board decision paper.

Explore this website about the diploma designed for students, parents and community members.

Diploma At-a-Glance

Summaries of the diploma requirements as determined by the year the student was first enrolled in Grade 9.

Guidance for Districts

Materials and resources to support districts as they implement diploma requirements.

High School Exit Options

Information on the Modified Diploma, Extended Diploma, Alternative Certificate and GED.