Instructional Materials
Instructional Materials are adopted by the State Board of Education in a 7-year subject matter cycle that results in a 6-year contract with publishers (ORS 337.090 and OAR 581-011-0070).
According to Oregon Law:
ORS 337.050 (1) “The State Board of Education shall review and adopt, for periods established by the board, a list of textbooks and other instructional materials for use by school districts.”
OAR 581-011-0070 (1) The State Board of Education shall adopt instructional materials by rule prior to October 31 each year. (2) The adoption period consists of the seven-year period following adoption of an instructional materials list by the State Board of Education in accordance with the provisions of ORS 337.050.
Following adoption by the State Board of Education, school districts make the local decision to select and adopt from the list (ORS 337.050 and OAR 581-022-1640), independently adopt instructional materials using the state criteria (OAR 581-022-1622), or postpone adoption for up to two years (OAR 581-022-1650).
The last recommendation for adoption of ELA instructional materials by the Estacada School District for ELA instructional materials was made in 2007.
Instructional material for purposes of Oregon law is defined as any organized system which constitutes the major instructional vehicle for a given course of study, or any part thereof. A major instructional vehicle may include such instructional items as a hardbound or a softbound book or books, or sets or kits of print and non-print materials, including electronic and internet or web-based materials or media. Basal instructional programs may be adopted by the State Board of Education. Accessible Instructional Materials are required.
Districts annually assure that they are in compliance with and implementing Chapter 581, Division 22, of the Oregon Administrative Rules. This page provides guidance to districts for amending the assurance when necessary to include a plan for compliance with OAR 581-022-1640, Instructional Materials Adoption. Following adoption by the State Board of Education, school districts must do one of the following: (1) Select and adopt from the list (ORS 337.050 and OAR 581-022-1640), (2) Independently adopt instructional materials using the State Criteria (OAR 581-022-1622) or (3) Postpone adoption for up to two years (OAR 581-022-1650). 2021-2022 Division 22 Report
In order to accomplish the District’s mission, the manner in which curriculum decisions are made becomes critical. The following factors were considered in the adoption process:
Horizontal and vertical articulation across all levels
Multicultural, equitable perspective - culturally responsive materials
Basal available with interventions and adaptations for differentiation
Ease and flexibility of use for classroom teachers
Incorporation of all disciplines including special education, gifted, Title I, technology, alternative education, English learners, etc.
Establishment of a broad-based involvement of staff
Support and integration of technology
Support of integration and/or the interdisciplinary connection among the various disciplines
Correlation with district learning results of Oregon Common Core State Standards
Reduction of politics and policies which may hinder the process
Support the notion of providing flexible instructional methods for teachers
The Estacada School District has convened a group of professional educators to provide a recommendation for the Estacada District School Board on April 15, 2015. The purchase of the materials, as well as planning for the professional development will continue through the Fall of 2015.
Purpose of the K-12 Instructional Materials Committees
K-12 Subject Area committees exist for the purpose of reviewing, aligning, and/or making recommendations relating to the District curriculum to the Superintendent and the Board of Education. New textbook adoptions will originate and be approved for recommendation to the Superintendent and the Board of Education in these committees. Curriculum maps and pacing guides relating to these subject areas will be developed and revised through these committees. The committee will also deal with any other issue deemed relevant to the curricular area as determined by the Superintendent or his/her designee